I “mustache” you a question: Do you have a little boy on the way? Then having a mustache baby shower might just be what you are looking for! And what do you know, the idea was right under your nose (or your husband’s nose) all along! Invitations If you need to find invitations that will […]
Christmas Baby Shower Ideas
“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!” Oh what fun it is to have a Christmas themed baby shower! Whether the baby is due around Christmas time or in the weeks thereafter, this is a fun and easy theme! Deck the halls and prepare to have a great time at this baby shower! Invitations […]
Ladybug Baby Shower Ideas
Hip-hip-hooray, there’s a little lady on the way! All of the women will fly into the room for this ladybug-themed baby shower celebration! Breaking away from the traditional pastel colors, a ladybug baby shower is an uber-adorable way to celebrate your little lady in the making! Before you fly out of your seat to go […]
Spooky Cute Halloween Baby Shower Ideas
Having a baby shortly after Halloween? How cool would it be to have a baby shower and Halloween party all tied into one big, fun event? Awesome, it would be awesome. Have a scary good time with friends and family by throwing a Halloween baby shower! Invitations For a Halloween baby shower, you might be […]
Festive Fall Baby Shower Ideas
Do you have or know of a baby that will be born sometime between September to November? Then maybe a fall themed baby shower is just what you need! If only babies could just fall out, it would make this theme that much more appropriate, but unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Let’s look at the […]