Every baby shower needs fun games to play in order for everyone to really enjoy themselves! Playing games that engage the party with one another is not only the best way to make the shower fun, but it helps everyone to feel comfortable around one another!
I have to say one of the best baby shower games I’ve ever played is the Left Right Game. This game was played at the very first shower I ever attended and let’s just say it helped to set the expectations bar unrealistically high for other showers I would attend later on. But less about the awkward baby showers and more about the game that had the room giggling!
How to Play the Left Right Game
Perhaps you’ve played a Left Right Game at some point at a baby shower or some other celebration, and if you have, then you already know all about this game! If you haven’t heard of the game, then here’s all you need to know:
- Everyone sits in a circle. The host hands a wrapped gift to one of the guests, who will hold onto it until the game begins (but not for long!)
- The host then reads a story that is riddled with an obnoxious amount of “lefts” and “rights”.
- Each time the word left or right is said in the story, the gift gets passed around respectively.
- The person who is holding the gift after the story is complete is the one who gets to open it!
See, it’s simple! You can even use it for other events, changing the story to whatever is suitable for the occasion.
Left Right Game Variations
Of course, as with most games, you don’t have to stick to the official rules. In fact, it’s often more fun to deviate away from the rules in order to make it most enjoyable and more personal to your party. Here are some ways to make it really fun!
- More prizes: Add more than one prize for larger groups to ensure everyone gets a chance to pass it around.
- Mad Lib-style: Before the actual story, let the party add words to the story to make it entertaining! Simply ask people to call out words to fill blanks, whether it’s a verb, adjective, place, etc.
- Personalize: The story can be very amusing if you personalize the names within the story. Select random people in the room to fill random roles in the story and simply insert their names!
Baby Shower Prize Ideas
The types of prizes to offer will almost entirely depend on what kind of budget you’re working with. I’ve been to fun showers where they simply used mason jars full of treats as the prizes, even Goldfish crackers! Other types of prizes that are great for baby showers include:
- Scented candles
- Gift card/certificate
- Bottle of wine
- Gourmet chocolate
- Gourmet coffee
- Coffee mug
- Picture frame
- Wind chime
- Bird feeder
For more prize ideas for your baby shower, check out: Baby Shower Game Prizes.
Baby Shower Left Right Story Time
While it takes a lot more effort to write your own Left Right Game story, it’s totally worth it if you can make the time to do it! Not only is it more personal, but you have complete control over the content and storyline. It’s fun to add your own flair!
Whether or not you decide to write your own baby shower Left RIght Game story is up to you. If you are looking for a good one to use, be sure to give this one a shot!
Left Right Story: “Get Me There, RIGHT NOW!“
RIGHT after our big, 4th of July barbecue, I was having the usual pregnancy pains in my LEFT side. I told “Mr. RIGHT” (my husband Larry) that I needed to rest and LEFT the room and headed RIGHT up stairs. RIGHT as I laid down on my RIGHT side, my little bundle of joy started kicking me RIGHT in the ribs! “This is what I get for eating all the ribs and having none LEFT!” I thought to myself. I couldn’t tell if it was his RIGHT foot or LEFT foot, but those little kicks LEFT me winded! Luckily, I was so tired from the day’s festivities that I still fell RIGHT to sleep, despite the kicking.
I woke up to fireworks going off RIGHT outside. A house down the street to the RIGHT, was lighting off their LEFT-over firecrackers from last years. “Oh that’s RIGHT! It’s 4th of July, let’s hope they forget the mortars, or getting a nap will be harder impossible!”
The kicks faded, but the discomfort kept coming RIGHT back. These weren’t just little pains for long. I sat RIGHT up to catch my breath. The pain LEFT me alone for a minute, but then came RIGHT back!
I eventually got up to get a glass of water, when suddenly, I felt something running RIGHT down my LEFT leg! I thought I had peed myself, but RIGHT then, I realized what had actually happened! I yelled for Larry. My contractions came on strong and fast! “Grab the hospital bag RIGHT away, it’s time!”
We LEFT our house to go RIGHT to the hospital, when we found ourselves stuck behind barricades and crowds of people; it was the Town’s 4th of July Parade RIGHT in front of us! Retired military were marching “LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT!” as each contraction seemed to be timed with the rhythm.
I told Larry to turn RIGHT around or the baby will be coming RIGHT out in the car! He turned around and hooked a LEFT and continued racing towards the hospital. Then the stop light ahead turned yellow, and of course, there was a police car RIGHT next to us! This wasn’t happening! I looked LEFT at Larry RIGHT in the eye, he looked RIGHT back at me. He nodded, and then he floored it through the intersection!
“Please no lights, please no siren!” I chanted to myself. Larry looked back.
Phew! The police officer had turned RIGHT towards the parade! We were in the clear, and the hospital was RIGHT in front of us! “Thank You, God!” Fireworks lit up the sky on the LEFT and RIGHT of the hospital. It was like a grand arrival, and I was so relieved we got to the hospital in time!
Then, all of a sudden, my body jolted at sound of a firework mortar RIGHT outside my window! I was still at home, RIGHT in my bed, we never LEFT for the hospital! It was all a dream, a crazy, hectic, stressful dream! “Phew! I thought it was going to be a 4th of July baby!”
Then the contractions started.
Just imagine your guests passing prizes like hot potatoes, and how much fun they have trying to keep up with the passing when the story heats up! Yeah, definitely play this game at the baby shower, you won’t be disappointed!
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