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Selecting a present for any occasion or celebration is challenging enough for a lot of people. Baby shower gift ideas can be extra tricky because you are essentially thinking of a present for two people, and want your present to be useful and memorable at the same time.
There’s also the awkwardness of giving a gift that five other guests decide to give as well (baby showers usually end with the opening of gifts). As much as possible, you would want a unique present that the mother would really have use for.
1. Shop on the Baby Registry
Many expectant mothers register at local stores before their baby shower. This helps guests in selecting which presents to give; this also minimizes multiple gifts of the same things, as guests can see which presents have been selected and which ones are still available.
A baby shower registry is a tasteful way for the expectant mother to convey to family and friends what she would really need at the moment. If the baby shower you are attending has this registry, consult it as you shop.
2. Baby Essentials
Any mother knows the essentials for the first few months after giving birth: diapers, diaper wipes, blankets, baby wash and shampoo, bottles, bottle cleaners, and clothes. The mother would probably not mind receiving a lot of disposable diapers and wipes as this would really help with the expenses.
I know for me personally, I can never have too many baby blankets! It might seem like you get a lot of them, but once a baby spits up and it gets tossed in the hamper, that number dwindles down fast!
If you can’t think of what to give the Mama-to-be, a sizable gift basket of baby essentials would always be appreciated.
3. Gift Cards and Certificates
Some people find gift cards and certificates a bit tacky, but for expectant mothers, this would be great baby shower gifts.
You’re giving the mother-to-be the freedom to choose which supplies she still needs for the baby; in fact, if you give a gift card for a baby store or other retailer, she can open all the gifts after the baby shower, figure out what else she needs, and use the gift certificate or store card you gave. Everybody wins.
4. Baby Entertainment
With a new baby in the house, Mama is going to need things to entertain the little sweetheart! Newborn baby toys or musical baby toys great gifts, as well as light up toys are always welcome! Think “does this take up a lot of space? Could this music get annoying after the millionth time?” If the toy passes the test, then Mom will probably love it!
A library of children’s books, or a collection of well-loved children’s movies and television shows, would be great baby shower gifts as well. Classics like Winnie the Pooh are always a safe choice!
5. Treats For Mom
She’s dealing with so much right now just being pregnant, and will have even more on her plate once baby arrives, that picking out some special things just for her is certainly going to be appreciated!
Go-to baby shower gift ideas for Mama include:
- Super nice shampoo/conditioner sets (Skip the bubble bath stuff, she won’t have time for baths!) Add a bamboo brush if you’re feeling extra generous
- Yummy scented candles
- A fluffy blanket or robe
- A bottle of her favorite wine (for after Baby arrives of course!)
- Gourmet sweets (Selma’s Cookies are my favorite!)
*Tip: Always Include a Gift Receipt
For showers without a baby registry at a local store, you can also consider including a gift receipt with your present.
This way, the mother can exchange your gift for something more useful if it turns out that what you gave has already been given by someone else (or she just prefers something different).
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