Are you a queen bee having a ba-bee? Then a bumble bee baby shower is just right for you!
Say goodbye to pastel pink or blue because the bumble bee theme utilizes the lovely high contrast of yellow and black. Perfect for a boy or girl, this baby shower theme will certainly be a hit with your family and friends!
You likely have a good idea on who you want to invite so make your list and proceed to the invitations.
Invitations give the very first impression to your potential baby shower guests so you might want to skip out on those boring store-bought ones. Consider DIY invites, or better yet, check websites such as Etsy. There are people who make or design invitations for a living, so why not purchase the cutest invites while supporting an entrepreneur?
For a small price, you can purchase rights to a JPEG file which is customized just for you to print or have printed at a nearby store. This invite design by LeeLaaLoo is an adorable way to spread the buzz without breaking the bank, only $12.00!
What’s yellow and black and striped all over? The bumble bee, of course! This is exactly what your bumble bee baby shower should look like.
Bored with stripes? To mix it up a little by using chevron or polka dots; as long as you have the needed yellow and black, the theme will blend just fine.
The following decoration ideas are must-haves for any bumble bee baby shower. In addition, you can add to the color scheme with balloons, streamers, tableware, and banners.
Bumble bees – The star critter should be everywhere you would find a bumble bee; flying up high, on walls, on flowers and so on. Bumble bees are the most necessary decoration to have all around, and they are rather easy to make if you don’t like the store-bought ones.
Flowers – Bumble bees help to pollinate flowers, so it’s no surprise that your baby shower should contain some here and there. Get crafty and make some flowers, or even buy fresh flowers and decorate the vases to suit the theme.
Beehive – Whether you decide to have the cake resemble a beehive, or have one hanging up somewhere, bumble bees need their home, the beehive. You can get creative and make one with paper mache, or find one in a store.
Stuffing your face is one of the best parts about a baby shower, so it better have some good food there. It doesn’t sting to have a few sweets because this is one of the few occasions we can eat shamelessly and have a good excuse!
Here are a few bumble bee inspired food ideas to get you started:
Twinkie bees – Who doesn’t love a good Twinkie? Give the Twinkies one buzzin’ personality by giving them stripes, eyes, wings and antennae!
Beehive cupcakes – Cupcakes can be frosted to look like a beehive is on top, add a couple of bees and viola!
Honey Sticks – Everyone loves a bit of honey now and then, so why not have a cup full of honey sticks on the table? They even make many different flavored honey sticks now!
Bee deviled eggs – Decorate the yolk filling to look like a little bumble bee, it will resemble a baby bumble bee in a swaddle, how cute!
Games are a staple for every baby shower and it’s the part that many look forward to. Sure, you can have the typical baby shower games that a lot of people have likely played a few times in the past, but wouldn’t it be better to switch it up? With these bumble bee baby shower games; time is likely to fly right by!
The bees knees – Everyone has to take a balloon and put it between their knees, and they have to find some way to pop it without using their hands. The mama-to-bee will sit back and watch the entertaining antics of her guests!
Pin the bumble bee on the flower – This is a spin off of the traditional pin the tail on the donkey game. Whoever gets closest to the center of the flower wins this cute game!
Build-a-bee contest – This is a fun craft game to keep all of the baby bees “buzzy” while the adults are busy with the baby shower. Set up a craft station, or even use food (Twinkies!) and candy and let the kids have fun making their little critters. Take votes for the winner or have the queen bee herself decide!
Give your guests something to take home that will remind them of the buzzin’ good time they had! Something as sweet as honey would be very suitable, how about little jars of local honey? You can easily dress them up in the yellow and black cuteness! If you want to go the more traditional route, sweets such as candy and cookies are always a winner! Whatever you decide on, it will bee perfect!
Special thanks to LeeLaaLoo.com for this beautiful design!
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