“The sick jerk put the baby in the tree tops!” is an answer you might hear at your baby shower when you ask, “Where was the baby located in rockabye baby?” during the baby shower nursery rhyme game.
The mama-to-be really needs to brush up on her nursery rhymes because they are about to become a big part of her life once baby is here. What better way to learn or brush up than by playing a game? A baby shower is the perfect place for it, too! You’ll find that she is not the only one who hasn’t been practicing her nursery rhymes, as you sit back and watch the guests attempt to recall nursery rhymes.
How to Play
Basically, the baby shower nursery rhymes game puts your brain to the test in a nursery rhyme trivia! There are a few different variations of the game, so I will detail the instructions for each one known to me.
Guess that Rhyme!
Everyone is given a sheet of paper with hints on it that describe nursery rhymes, and is given a couple of minutes to guess which nursery rhymes the hints are describing. Examples:
- The boy who leaps over flames: __________
- Musical feline and dancing dishes: __________
- Lived in a shoe:__________
Once the timer runs out, the host goes over the correct answers and whoever has the most correct is the winner!
For this game, you can use a full, single nursery rhyme, or sentences from many different rhymes. A word or set of words needs to be removed from each sentence and your guests have a couple of minutes to fill it in with the correct wording! Once time is called, the host will read over the rhyme(s) and see who got it right to determine the winner!
Nursery Rhyme Scramble
This version of the baby shower nursery rhyme game is a word scramble game, where players are given a list of nursery rhymes that are jumbled up and they must write their guesses correctly. The host will give a couple of minutes to do this, but once time is called, whoever has the most correct unscrambled nursery rhymes is the winner!
Sing Aloud!
Sit in a circle. Taking turns saying five words each of the nursery rhyme, each player sings the nursery rhyme, and if they stumble on their words or say the wrong words, they’re out! Keep going around the circle with different nursery rhymes, making sure to save the harder ones for last. The last person left in the circle is the winner!
Pop Quiz!
This version is played at random throughout the duration of the baby shower. Recall the question at the beginning of this article: “Where was the baby located in rockabye baby?” The host will call upon a guest (make name tags), to answer a similar question and will give a sticker for each correct answer. Whoever ends up with the most stickers by the end of the baby shower is the winner!
With all of these different versions of the nursery rhyme game to choose from, which one will you be playing?
List of Nursery Rhymes
- A-Tisket, A-Tasket
- Bingo
- Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe
- Five Little Speckled Frogs
- Frog Went A-Courting
- Hey Diddle Diddle
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- Humpty Dumpty
- Hush Little Baby
- I’m a Little Teapot
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Jack and Jill
- Jack Be Nimble
- Little Bo Peep
- Little Boy Blue
- Little Bunny Foo Foo
- Little Miss Muffet
- London Bridge Is Falling Down
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Mulberry Bush
- Old McDonald Had a Farm
- One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
- Pattycake
- Peter Piper
- Pop Goes the Weasel
- Ring Around the Rosie
- Rock-a-bye Baby
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat
- There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
- The Wheels on the Bus
- Three Blind Mice
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Click here for even more nursery rhymes!
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